Milldale Infrastructure LP (Milldale Infrastructure) is a Special Purpose Vehicle established by Crown Infrastructure Partners Limited in October 2018 with the sole purpose of raising capital required to finance five Bulk Housing Infrastructure projects. These projects are required to service the Milldale development in Wainui, North of Auckland and will also support housing in the area surrounding Milldale.
The total cost of the infrastructure is expected to be more than $91 million. Milldale Infrastructure will contribute $48.9 million of financing towards the costs of constructing the Bulk Housing Infrastructure projects. Auckland Council Group will contribute $33.5 million towards the Bulk Housing Infrastructure. Fulton Hogan Land Development will fund the remainder of the project costs (plus any cost over-runs).
The financing provided towards the infrastructure costs by Milldale Infrastructure will be repaid over time through Infrastructure Payments made by the land owners within the Milldale development.
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